Recover energy from waste shower water
The ES-drain shower drain

Sustainable and saving
Good for the environment and save on your energy bill
It is more important than ever to use less gas by saving energy and switching to renewable energy such as sun and wind. It is very important to combat global warming and become independent of gas supplies from Russia. Saving energy is the most obvious and the cheapest. This certainly also applies to heat recovery from shower water. Our motto is: what you save you don't need to generate, you don't need to store and it reduces the load on the grid.
Would you also like to save up to 50% of your energy costs when showering?
The trend is towards more frequent and longer showers, which increases energy consumption. Hot water consumption for a shower is a substantial part of the total energy consumption of a house. In a well-insulated house, showering accounts for the largest share of total energy consumption. It would be a shame to let the heat - which has cost energy - run off down the drain. With Herwin Energie's heat recovery shower drain, the ES-drain, a large part of the heat can be recovered, as much as 50 %. With more than 20 years of experience in heat recovery from shower water, we have developed an innovative shower channel heat recovery system with unique features. The reliability of this durable product has been amply proven in practice. An important starting point in the development of the ES drain was the cost price, with the motto saving is cheaper than generating. Here, too, we have succeeded.
The "ES-DRAIN" shower channel
The principle is very simple. The hot water flows in the shower channel over a heat exchanger: a spiral-shaped copper tube. The copper conducts the heat from the waste water to the cold tap water that flows through the tube. Both the water going to the boiler and the water going to the shower's cold water connection are pre-heated, so less (electrical) energy needs to be supplied. If the water goes to the shower's cold water connection for practical reasons only, the savings will be slightly less.
Important innovations
In all shower channel heaters known to us, the drinking water pipes are connected via a threaded connection in the concrete. This is known to be a vulnerable connection and there is a high risk of leakage. With the ES-drain, these connections are in the gutter and the seal is achieved with an O-ring. The copper pipe of the heat exchanger must be double-walled and there must be a channel between the inner pipe and the outer pipe so that this becomes visible in the event of leakage from one of the pipes. In most shower flume heat exchangers that are installed in the Netherlands, the leak detection is in the concrete. In the event of leakage, it is then a matter of waiting until the downstairs neighbours notice. With the ES-drain, the leakage detection is not in the concrete and an acoustic leakage alarm can be installed. The risk of leaks in the concrete is virtually eliminated.
This is why installers choose the ES drain:
- Double safety (!) against leaks in the floor:
- The supply/discharge connections in the channel itself, not cast in concrete
- Double separation of clean water and waste water with leak detection channels not ending in the floor
- Compact yet cost-effective, with installation depth of only 12.5 cm
- Acoustic leak detection (buzzer, optional)
Meets all applicable requirements and standards:
- NEN1717, BRL-K656, EN1253 and NTA8800
- Efficiency by KIWA, according to standard NTA8800 for potable water preparation
- Passive House Institute certificate
- Increasing energy label
Use of the best materials:
- heat exchanger: pure copper
- Stainless steel casing: AISI 316

Practical experience
After practical tests had provided sufficient certainty, more than 500 ES drains have been installed at home and abroad in the past three years. Interest is growing fast. This is also evident from the fact that more than 400 of them will be delivered in the first half of 2022 alone. Herwin-Energie supplies the ES-drain in the Netherlands and a large number of countries in Europe to the great satisfaction of customers. For more information, read the interviews that were recently conducted.
"Nice assurance that the waste water does not mix with the supply water".
"Easy to clean yourself"
"Good for the environment and my wallet"
"No unpleasant sewer smells"
Other people's experience:
Owners of houses, flats and residential institutions
A shower channel for every type of home
Houses, flats, hotels, sports facilities, saunas, etc. in short, anywhere that showers. In the development we have chosen for one version with regard to the heat exchanger and the channel dimensions. However, there are two versions that relate to installation in a floor, namely in a tiled floor and a vinyl floor, the ES-drain-T and the ES-drain-V respectively. Because a grate is in sight and there is a difference in taste, there are possibilities for customised manufacture.
It is also common for all flats in a building to be fitted with an ES drain as standard, but the resident wants to have a bath in which to shower as well. We have developed a bathtub fitting that allows the ES drain to remain in place and continue to function.
Discover the possibilities of the shower heat exchangers of Herwin Energy saving. Contact us for a free consultation or discover more details in our product documentation.
Proven efficiency up to 50%
Extra safety against leaks in the floor
EPC-reducing and energy label increasing

If you are looking for a dealer, please call or e-mail us:
Contact details
Herwin-Energie B.V.
Middenraai 49
7912 TH Nieuweroord
Phone number: +31 (0)619 111 412
Company information
KvK: 62530143
BTW: NL854854332B01
IBAN: NL48 INGB 0006752296
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